Lockheed PV-2
Harpoon N7671C
(c/n 15-1120)

Not very many Lockheed Harpoons were
converted to civil use. This one was photographed
at Pacoima Air Park in the San Fernando Valley in the early 1960s, just
after having been released
by the US Navy.
It was slated to go to Micronesian Airlines as a freighter after
conversion by
Oakland Airmotive Centaurus in 1965 although it was
written off at Hayward Airport (near San
on its delivery flight whilst taking off overloaded (or at least with
unacceptable c.of
g. setting).
The example below, shot at Long Beach
in 1962 went to Columbia. Note long range tanks. It was
probably also used as a freighter (this
was before drug running became a common use for such
aircraft). A note to its possible
identity appears on my image in Ron Dupas' site at